
Version 0.3, Juli 2015

Ett öppet innovationsklimat behöver gemensamma spelregler som är anpassade till xProjekt och de platser där vi bedriver verksamhet, vi har tagit fram dessa spelregler till att börja med, men de kan komma att uppdateras och förändras för att passa den verksamhet vi vill bedriva.

Mål = Färdplan = Projekt vart är vi påväg



Power of communication



  1. Ha kul
  2. Uppmuntra experiment
  3. Ifrågasätta
  4. Bestämd
  5. Tänk utanför boxen – giv feedback

Spelregler (ordning o reda)

Varför experimentera


What are you responsibilities?


Avoid accidents by making sure to follow the machinery instructions. If you are unclear about how to use the equipment, don’t hesitate to ask the staff to guide you through.


Ensure the correct functioning of the DesignLab by keeping the working space, the machinery and the tools clean after using them and make sure tools and materials are in their place after using it

Knowledge sharing

As part of the DesignLab community knowledge sharing is part of the culture and is applicable to the members of the DesignLab. That includes: documenting process, sharing the source for the online archive, visual representation (e.g. photo/video) of the final result

Material and resources

If you need to buy material ask our staff about paying methods and tariffs. Our staff will prepare the material to be sold.

How can businesses use the DesignLab?

Commercial activities can be prototyped and incubated in a design lab, but they must not conflict with other uses, they should grow beyond rather than within the lab, and they are expected to benefit the inventors, labs, and networks that contribute to their success

Who owns DesignLab inventions?

Designs and processes developed in xProjekt can be protected and sold however an inventor chooses, but should remain available for individuals to use and learn from

You can use a Creative Commons license to protect your work


*based on the Fab Charter